Monday, January 08, 2007

Happy Birthday to Meeee

Thanks for all your lovely well wishes =)...tonight was a quiet evening. Jeremy and I went to dinner at Sizzler, of all places. We gorged ourselves on their bargain of a salad bar and then had some yummy chocolate cake that I got for myself. Then we went to go see Blood Diamond, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. So normally, I think he's a little bit of a dork. But he wasn't so bad in this movie.

This year is yet another one that I was away from home on my birthday. So even if you guys wanted to surprise me with a birthday party like Razz organized last year, it couldn't have happened. Heh heh. Still, I appreciate the happy thoughts you sent my way ~~ We shall have a gigantic party next year!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aw im an asshole! I totally forgot it was your bday. Hope you had a great birthday!
