Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Christmas seemed pretty uneventful this year…mostly because I didn’t have any Starbucks Cheer Parties to plan or Holiday Rallies to attend. If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I’ve spent pretty much all of my last 6 Christmases working at Starbucks on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day…and pretty much every day or so in the weeks leading up to Christmas since winter break from school usually commenced by the second week of December just in time for the frenzied holiday shopping season. As such, I was always surrounded by the latest jazzed up version of Christmas music – some of it catchy and much of it absolutely dreadful. But I love Christmas and December is my favorite month of the year. Odd as that sounds. I love the cold and the grey. I love that every where I go, there are pretty lights and sparking tinsel. To me, there seems to be a magic in the air that isn’t present throughout the rest of the year. Maybe I sound like a brainwashed Starbucks former employee (they truly are something to fear), but the excitement that was present for me within my store is something I miss. These are pictures from last year's work Christmas party at my place. I miss my Starbucks peeps ~ Next time you go to the Starbucks on Broadway, please say hello for me =)

Oh well. This year, I was lucky to have some visitors from Seattle to hang out with during Christmas. Nothing too fancy. We had Christmas dinner together from my neighborhood restaurant, drank some lovely wine and headed out for a round of drinks. I hope your Christmases were equally merry and bright!

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